Now, more than ever, how you build an online business determines its chances of success and its perspectives of becoming a brand.

The fact that visual identity and communication need to be adjusted to the online environment is indisputable.

You, too, need to be present where the most important events and changes occur today!

But remember, the internet may bring you into disrepute just as easily as it can take you to new heights of success. And, sure enough, we are referring to your business.

So how do you build an online brand?

If you have faith in your idea, you have already taken a first important step.


The difficult part comes when you have to persuade others that your business is cool and that it deserves everyone’s attention. But that is what the internet and performance digital marketing are for.


The first impression matters

Beyond a shadow of a doubt!

We know this from Social Media, where we follow dozens of accounts because they look good. We know it from our business meetings, where the attire and the impeccable smile dictate the type of interactions and, sometimes, even the results. We know it best from our personal lives.

Your business should know it, as well.

That is the reason why you need a unique, resourceful visual identity, which shares sufficient impressions about you to the people, so that they may wish to know you better.

Choose the right logo and slogan for your business. Simple and attractive. Integrate them in the business story and you can start building based on them.



No website in 2019?

Don’t even think about it!

It is not only very important for your business to have an information hub for the services or products you are selling, but the website will help you grow in the long term.

However you may choose to build it, make sure it is unique and attractive, and also that it loads fast. People conduct dozens, even hundreds of Google searches a day, and if they cannot find your website immediately and easily, they will move on.

In the age of speed, patience is no longer a virtue. Businesses die because of the bounce rate generated by the long loading time, all the more so as conversions also occur on the website. You definitely do not want to miss these.

So, optimize your images, your CSS, your Browser Caching and get ready… for the next stage.


Implement the SEO now, for long-term results

I must grow organically!

This should be the first thing businesses consider, regardless of their type or size, when they start their journey. SEO provides this opportunity of attaining healthy growth, based on the quality of your offers.

Create an optimized content on site which should be, at the same time, natural, pleasant, and, most of all, interesting.


If possible, start a blog, as well, where content marketing will feel at home and will support the SEO strategy, providing useful and qualitative information. Never copied!

Google cannot be corrupted, if it catches you cheating! For the sake of your business, stay honest, original, and transparent.

If you choose to create a globe, spread the word right away, distributing your articles on specialized sites. With these, you will generate increased organic traffic.

But do not expect to be number one or to grow in the Google ranking in just a few months’ time. Older sites take priority, the ones which are populated and appreciated by the public, as well as by search engines.

This does not mean that you do not stand a chance. It is a well-known fact that the SEO has long-term results, if it is updated and if it is accurate and efficient.


Socialize, be friendly, honest and present

It is so easy to become known online!

Nowadays, you can turn Social Media platforms into your strongest allies.

But, according to your business type, you need to adjust your communication and your approach.


For instance, you should have in view the fact that, in Romania, Twitter is not a popular channel, the average age of Facebook users has increased considerably, Instagram forces you to be original and very creative, LinkedIn is always growing, and you can use your YouTube channel to provide any type of information quickly and efficiently.

So choose the channels which are right for you and share your story. Make it as realistic, as empathic and as emotional as possible!

Make people part of the story, as they enjoy being involved and feeling like they have a say. Right now, people matter the most. Show them that they do!

Remember to also integrate a permanent community management strategy.

Otherwise, Social Media may turn against you, it can easily boycott you, because customers’ reviews travel fast.


Doing (My) Business like a pro


When Google gives you something free of charge, do not refuse it! My Business profile is one of the tools you can use to make yourself known, to inspire confidence and professionalism and, eventually, to attract customers.

It is easy to use, very much appreciated by web surfers and incurs no additional costs to your business. What more could you want to attain success quickly?


Google Ads Campaigns

Once the name of your business starts to be known, people will start searching on Facebook, Instagram and Google to get directly to the site. This is where they will find out more about you and about the products or services that you can use to help them.

Now is the time to start your paid Google Ads or Facebook Ads campaign.


It takes all sorts to make the world of Google, so make it a strategy to target the people who could be interested in your business. These paid campaigns will increase traffic on site, potentially the conversion rate, as well, and they will contribute to a coherent brand awareness campaign.

Be mindful of the fact that paid campaigns should be run simultaneously with the SEO strategies, rather than to their detriment.

Organic traffic is, eventually, what every business with brand qualities desires.


Use email communications, as well

Email Marketing may seem obsolete, but it can be more efficient than you think.

The platforms and tools which streamline the newsletter creation process successfully complements copywriting and graphic design.

However, newsletters contain many ingredients, and they must be managed with prudence, if you want them to transform your business into a brand which is appealing, stirring and motivating, instead of making people unsubscribe.

The first step is to collect mailing addresses. Whether you use Social Media or the site, don’t forget about GDPR! Ideally, you should permanently collect email addresses, but this should be done in an honest and valid manner.

Persuade people of your openness and of the fact that you respond to their immediate needs right away, be creative and customize every email!

In other words, make them miss you, instead of wishing you gone.



Creating an online brand…

Is just as big a responsibility as the provision of quality products and services. Whatever generation of buyers you are addressing, they spend a few hours on the Internet every day, researching and looking for information and services which promptly respond to their needs.

Are you ready to be present for your customers and to persuade them of the qualities of your business? By following these tips & tricks, you have every chance of becoming an online brand before you can say Online.