Google Ads

How can Google Ads help your business?

The goal of a company is to make the most of their marketing efforts by connecting with potential customers and turning their actions into revenue. One of the most common…


Google Ads campaigns for eCommerce

In the dynamic world of online shopping and their promotion, knowing exactly what Google Ads PPC strategies to use for online marketing can be a successful operation or a total…

marketing online

Planning your Digital Marketing Strategy for 2022

For any business, the beginning of the year means planning. While the challenges and changes brought about by the pandemic will continue to affect us both personally and…

Când marketingul de performanță întâlnește stomatologia premium

When Performance Marketing meets premium dentistry

For the second consecutive year, we’ve put smiles on the faces of thousands of Romanians together with Crystal Dental Clinic. The figures that we had to show at the end of 2018…

Digital Marketing Trends

Unprepared for 2019? Find out the Digital Marketing trends!

News travels at the speed of light and so do digital marketing trends.   Since in 2018 we analysed, measured, created and dared to place more faith in new strategies, we are ready…

Marketing Digital

5 mistakes to avoid in Online Marketing

Over time, we’ve had to deal with a lot of challenges, we’ve made mistakes, we’ve tested and replicated successful actions, and the experience that we’ve accumulated in the last…